Orange Painted Walls
Creating street life

Our relationship with Orange spans over two decades, where we have helped communicate the brand across a global audience and speaking to every language.

Our idea to combine illustration and photography in a real life situation, combining architectural features with illustration to create a message, helped deliver the ordinary day into the extraordinary.

We worked with street artists to create pop up landmarks, turning depressed areas into a little oasis of magic, literally setting up art pieces overnight.

A simple campaign which genuinely changed peoples lives for a small while. With the help of social media we helped Orange spread a little brightness.


  • Illustration |
  • Photoshoot production |
  • Image creation

Campaign concept

The idea of bringing a little brightness to that depressing area people travel through on a daily basis.

Graffiti of moths around a street light under a tunnel with the light switched off
Sketch of lamp posts with moths around
Photos of the graffiti artists producing the octopus image
Graffiti of an octopus on a brick wall

Hand-painted art pieces across 20 locations

Bringing a little brightness to that depressing area people travel through on a daily basis.